Enhancing Mobility: Low Lunge with Twist

Low Lunge with Twist, a dynamic variation of Anjaneyasana, introduces a rotational element that deepens the stretch and enhances the pose’s therapeutic benefits. This version not only targets the legs and hips but also engages the core and spine, offering a comprehensive workout that stimulates digestion and improves spinal health. We explore the subtleties of this pose, demonstrating how it can invigorate your practice and support overall well-being.

The Twist in Anjaneyasana

Adding a twist to the traditional Low Lunge pose increases its intensity and benefits. In this variation, the practitioner lunges forward with one leg while the opposite arm reaches over to the extended knee, turning the torso and looking over the shoulder. This twist squeezes the abdominal organs and opens the chest, promoting detoxification and encouraging deeper breathing.

Physical and Mental Benefits

1. Increased Flexibility and Range of Motion: The twist helps to open the hip flexors and stretches the thighs and groin while the rotation improves spinal mobility.

2. Enhanced Digestive Health: The compressive action of the twist massages the internal organs, aiding digestion and helping to detoxify the body.

3. Strengthened Core Muscles: Balancing in a twist requires and builds core strength, which is essential for overall stability and injury prevention.

4. Stress Relief and Improved Concentration: The challenging nature of balancing in a twisted pose helps to sharpen focus and can alleviate stress through deep, mindful breathing.

Step-by-Step Guide to Low Lunge with Twist

  1. Start in a standard Low Lunge by stepping one foot forward and bending the knee to a 90-degree angle, keeping the back leg extended and the knee off the ground.
  2. Place your hands in prayer position at your chest. Inhale deeply to lengthen the spine.
  3. As you exhale, twist your torso to the side of your front leg. Bring your opposite elbow outside of your bent knee, using it as leverage to deepen the twist.
  4. Press your hands firmly together to increase the twist, turning your gaze over your shoulder if your neck allows.
  5. Hold the pose for several breaths, deepening the twist with each exhale.
  6. To exit, unwind slowly on an inhale, returning to Low Lunge before switching sides.

Integrating the Pose into Your Practice

Low Lunge with Twist can be included in sequences aimed at enhancing flexibility, building core strength, or as a dynamic warm-up for more intense workouts. It’s also perfect as a standalone pose for a quick midday stretch to relieve tension and boost energy.


Low Lunge with Twist is a versatile and beneficial pose that addresses multiple aspects of physical health and mental well-being. Whether you are looking to improve your digestive health, increase spinal mobility, or simply introduce more dynamic movements into your practice, Anjaneyasana with a twist offers profound benefits. Embrace this pose to discover a more flexible, focused, and revitalized self.

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